Timeshare Title specializes in timeshare closings. From deeding a timeshare over to your relative to bulk order timeshare purchases for developers, we can assist you throughout the entire process.
All closings are complex but timeshare closings are complex and different than a typical residential or commercial closing. Timeshare closings are unique in the fact that you have to work with your timeshare management company to transfer your interest in the timeshare.
Timeshare management companies are similar in role to a homeowner’s association but have vastly more powers, compliance requirements, and demands. Knowing how to comply with these management companies, their deadlines, and potential pitfalls, is what separates a timeshare title agent specialist from a regular title company agent.
If you’re looking to buy, sell, or are a developer looking to repurchase your timeshares, don’t hesitate to give us a call at 904-321-9108. Timeshare Title is dedicated to service, speed, and efficiency, and want to be your closing agents in your next transaction.
Timeshare Title not only conducts timeshare closings, but can assist you in your residential closing as well. Timeshare title is fully licensed and can issue title insurance for real property.
For most people, purchasing a home is a serious and unfamiliar process. This is why everyone should have a dedicated professional assisting you. Timeshare Title has extensive experience dealing with buyers, sellers, and lenders, having employees that have seen hundreds, if not thousands of each type of transaction.
Timeshare Title can represent a home buyer or seller through each and every step of a purchase and sale. Whether you are a For Sale by Owner, you have a realtor, there is a lender is involved, or even if you are located out of state and need to complete the transaction remotely, we can do it. Some services we offer are preparation of legal documents, loan document review and explanation, and conducting the title closings itself.
Timeshare Title not only conducts timeshare closings, but can assist you in your residential closing as well. Timeshare title is fully licensed and can issue title insurance for real property.
For most people, purchasing a home is a serious and unfamiliar process. This is why everyone should have a dedicated professional assisting you. Timeshare Title has extensive experience dealing with buyers, sellers, and lenders, having employees that have seen hundreds, if not thousands of each type of transaction.
Timeshare Title can represent a home buyer or seller through each and every step of a purchase and sale. Whether you are a For Sale by Owner, you have a realtor, there is a lender is involved, or even if you are located out of state and need to complete the transaction remotely, we can do it. Some services we offer are preparation of legal documents, loan document review and explanation, and conducting the title closings itself.